Post Interview Strategies

Post Interview Strategies

Welcome again to Richard Rules as we are on the verge of completing the hardest part, the actual interview. In order to improve your chances of getting the job (casual or permanent) you must first understand the things you need to do and follow up procedures that will help increase your chance of getting the job.

While Still in the Interview

As the interview is coming to an end and you will need to do the following to help you plan your post interview follow-up strategy:-

  1. Ask for the business card of the responsible person conducting the interview so that you have all the contact information you need to do your follow up.
  2. Ask what will be the next steps in the interview process. You will want to know when the agency plans in filling the position.
  3. Ask if there any other requirements or information needed from you, such as references, referee contact details ..etc, to ensure all necessary information has been obtained or agree on suitable arrangements to forward.
  4. Finally, you may ask for permission to follow up with a phone call and confirm with the interviewer, the person you should be doing the follow up with

Remember, what you do after the interview is just as important as what you do during the interview, but by completing the above points you have an effective basis for a post interview strategy.

Post Interview Tips

If you are wondering what to do after your interview, brush up on these tips to improve your chances:-

      1    Follow through on information or paperwork.

Since the completion of this paperwork keeps you in the running for the position, follow through on these requirements immediately. Some examples of post interview information /paperwork could include medical, police checks, residential status, etc. Also be sure that results or information ends up with right person.

      2.   Ask Questions

If the recruiter says to contact them if you have more questions, then follow through on that invitation, but make sure the contact is meaningful and of value.

      3.   Be Available

Make sure you are easily contactable, this is an essential criteria for casual positions

      4.    Follow-Up

If you do not hear from the agency within the agreed time, then call and follow up with the appropriate contact.

Remember, always review and critique to have your post interview strategy as “spot on”