We are prominent supplier in recruitment and labour hire services
Welcome again to Richard Rules as we continue our journey from being unemployed to hopefully gaining the job we want. This article will focus on the important registration and readiness for your interview with any agency or potential future employer.
Having fixed an appointment for a job position, your priority is to ensure you are on time and with all the information necessary to complete any registration or application forms. Check with the person that phoned you of all requirements needed, my previous article covered the general information required.
Remember, read and answer the questions and write clearly, surprisingly some applicants have missed opportunities by not writing critical information or contact details that are legible or slowed down their application from being processed quickly with insufficient detail or obvious errors in the essential payroll critical information required by an employer or agency to start an individual. Attention to detail is crucial, especially iof its a key criteria for the role.
Your resume, if not forwarded prior to your registration, needs to be current and reflect your work history, with start and finish dates and be included with your application. Please ensure you are familiar with the content and that you can articulate your work experience including the reasons for any movement between jobs. Surprisingly some candidates falter or are uncertain in answering questions during the interview regarding their resume.
Having two referees to contact, preferably the last two employers of your services is generally the minimium requirement to be noted in either your resume or in completing your registration.
Once you have completed your application, recheck to ensure accuracy and completion. I then suggest that you have your qualifications, tickets and/or licences organised ready to present for verification and copying in the interview. Most agencies or employers will insist on sighting original documentation, copies are not sufficient or accepted.
Your attention to detail in completing your registration will certainly maximise your opportunity to start work. As a recruiter, there is nothing more frustrating than to continually be updating or correcting a person’s application details at the start of an interview.
I now look forward to my next article on the interview process and share some the interviewing techniques used by recruiters in selecting the best candidate.