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Work Safe week in Victoria is growing each and every year. This year it will be held from the 21st to the 31st of October and encompass over 100 seminars ranging in topics from Manual Handling to return to work (RTW).
Promoted across the state, companies are encouraged to send representatives to attend seminars which are relevant to their industries and will be beneficial to the ongoing safety on all of their employees. Last years event covered such areas as Identifying god SWMS (Safe Work Method Statement), Controlling dangerous machines and a slips, trips and fall update.
Opening last years address was a seminar entitled; Victoria: The Safest State, where to next? Which covered the plans and [procedures that Victorian Worksafe had put in place to reduce the injury rate. Included in this presentation was the following chart which shows the ongoing improvement of safety in Victoria
Entry is free to the seminars and with the range of topics, there is something for everyone.
To register your interest, head to
Similar events are held in each of the states each year and can be found on the governing body website. Links are below. Additionally, information can be found at
New South Wales
South Australia